Roku Won't Connect To Internet

Roku Won’t Connect To Internet. The Roku may not connect because of weak internet signal strength. The Roku device won’t connect to the internet if the password of the Wi-Fi is incorrect. If you are using an HDMI cable, it can be faulty and won’t connect the Roku to the internet at all.

I installed my Roku and wanted to stream the internet but as I wanted to connect to the internet, my device couldn’t comply. I was annoyed. On my free day, I couldn’t enjoy the internet.

But my friend who shares the apartment with me said something different. My friend started talking about my Roku and told me the reasons the internet isn’t connecting. He gave some Roku fixing tips that actually worked. I was able to use the internet and Roku in no time.

Read to learn!

Roku Won’t Connect To InternetRoku Wont Connect To Internet

Streaming on Roku is pretty common but online streaming requires internet and if Roku can’t connect to the internet, the only streaming won’t happen.

If the internet isn’t connecting to the Roku, then your day of streaming is over, but you can connect to the internet and fix the problem with this article. The basic problem of the internet not connecting is with the router. Restarting the router if it’s not connecting may solve the issue.

If the router is placed too far, the weak signal won’t be enough for the device to connect and only the nearby device will be able to connect. If the Roku isn’t connecting via Wi-Fi, using an HDMI cable may connect.

The device settings of Roku may be wrong and won’t connect to the frequency of the internet. You may be inputting the Wi-Fi password wrong and that won’t connect them either. Check more device and Wi-Fi issues below.

Password solve

You may be thinking the Wi-Fi password is a silly thing, but sometimes the device says connecting and it doesn’t connect.

If you see your device is displaying authenticating as you have entered the password and clicked connect, then you have inserted the incorrect password. Authenticating actually means that it’s only trying to connect, but you can’t connect with the wrong password.

If the password you entered is incorrect, try retyping it because there can be a typing mistake. If there isn’t a typing mistake, then you need to know the right password.

There is usually a password below the router that is for standard connection. Someone may have changed the password, so connect it by asking for the password.

Router distanceRouter distance

The distance of the router has an important part in the connection with Roku. The router distance affects all the devices that need to be connected.

The router may be placed too far, and the Roku is out of its range, or rather the router is out of Roku’s range. If the range is within the Roku’s limit but still far, the device may not connect at that time either.

Far router means weak internet signal and if the Roku is far from the router, then you will see that the device will try connecting with the internet but give up and show not connected.

Bringing the LED near the router or placing the router near the LED will remove signal strength issues and connect them.

Ethernet cableEthernet cable

If the Wi-Fi isn’t connecting and you don’t have any other way to connect to the internet through a wireless connection, then having an Ethernet cable is very handy.

Get a good Ethernet cable from the market. Cat6 is the basic Ethernet cable that can be used by the user.

Cat6 is a fast cable, and it’s actually the most common cable used on the internet. There are 8 wires present in Cat6 that make the Ethernet cable really fast.

Just plug the ethernet cable into the router or connect the cable directly to the Roku device. The internet will connect without any password.

Simple solve

If your internet is showing and not connecting or the connection isn’t working, then restart the router and the connection will be done and you will be able o connect.

Restarting your TV if the internet isn’t connecting may solve the issue. Resetting the Roku may be something that is needed.

The last word

Having internet problems and TV problems is bad but not knowing if the TV is faulty or the router is worse. If the reboot of the device is not setting the internet, then check the distance and also reenter the password.

The last thing should do is use ethernet. Connect Roku service and state your problem. They’ll help.

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