How to clean bathroom tiles stain

How to clean bathroom tiles stain. The stubborn stains on the bathroom tiles are challenging to remove.

Maintaining the bathroom tiles stain and bacteria-free is good for your health. Stains on the bathroom tiles affect the aesthetic look of your tiles and are hard to remove.

It’s a serious matter when the stains are not going off after cleaning and scrubbing. We have prepared a list of solutions to remove the stub burn and hard stains from your bathroom tiles.

Things you need to remove the stains from the tiles

  • The cleaning solution can be vinegar, baking soda, or something else.
  • Mope and a soft sponge.
  • Protective gloves and spray bottle
  • A bucket and cleaning rags, paper towels

How to clean bathroom tiles stainclean bathroom tiles stain

To remove the stain in your bathroom, take a proper cleaning solution as recommended by the manufacturer. Apply solution (vinegar, baking soda, or others) to the stains and scrub with a soft sponge or brush. Rinse with warm water and dry the tile with a towel or cloth.

Steps to clean bathroom tiles stains

  • take the cleaning solution, vinegar, baking soda, or chemical solutions.
  • Apply the cleaning solution to the stains and grout area.
  • Put on protective gloves and scrub the bathroom tiles with a soft brush or sponge.
  • Rinse with warm water to remove any residue of the cleaning solution.
  • Let the floor dry for some time or wipe off water using a towel or soft cloth.

Best cleaning solutions to remove bathroom tiles stains

Baking soda to clean hard stainsBaking soda to clean hard stains

Baking soda is a good cleaning agent to remove the hard stains from your bathroom tiles.

If baking soda is mixed with other ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish soap, it reacts more effectively to remove the stains from your bathroom tiles.

Put your protective gloves and apply the baking soda to the stubborn stains, wait for some time and scrub using a sponge.

After applying baking soda, rinse the bathroom tiles with warm water to remove any residue of the baking soda.

Vinegar to clean bathroom tilesVinegar to clean bathroom tiles

Vinegar is another most important natural cleaner to remove the hard stains off bathroom tiles. The vinegar reacts quickly to remove the stains immediately and turns effective for almost all types of stains.

To get better cleaning results use vinegar with other ingredients like warm water and liquid dish soap.

Add vinegar and soapy solution to the spray bottle and apply to the stains. Scrub with the sponge and then rinse with warm water to remove all stains. Vinegar can be found at home or you can get it easily from the stores.

Salt to remove the bathroom tiles stains

Salt is also an effective kitchen ingredient to clean the stains from the bathroom tiles. Salt is good at cutting down the hard stains from the bathroom tiles.

Ordinary salt is a good disinfectant it kills germs from the bathroom floor. Make bathroom tiles wet, sprinkle salt and wait for half an hour. Pick a soft sponge and scrub the tiles to remove the stubborn stains.

Chlorine to clean bathroom tiles stains

Chlorine is one of the best bleaching agents to remove stubborn stains from the bathroom tiles floor. Besides removing the hard stains, chlorine is also effective for removing mold, yeast, and microorganism like bacteria.

Put on your protective gloves apply chlorine solution to stains and scrub with a soft brush. Don’t apply extra force as it can damage the surface of the tile. Bleach is not suitable to use with some type of tiles.

Use Acid to clean the bathroom tiles stainsUse Acid to clean the bathroom tiles stains

Hydrochloric Acid or muriatic Acid is used to clean the bathroom tiles. If all other methods fail to remove stains, hydrochloric acid turns useful.

Make bathroom tiles wet, apply the acid solution to the stained area, scrub and then rinse your tiles floor.

Cooking oil to remove bathroom tiles stain

Cooking oil can also remove the stains from the bathroom tiles. A few drops of cooking oil can do the cleaning job for you.

Take a soft cloth or sponge to apply the cooking oil to the bathroom tiles’ stains. After cleaning the tiles, rinse the floor with a soapy solution and water to remove cooking oil.


How to clean bathroom tiles stain. It’s a tough job to get rid of stains from your bathroom tiles, but there are some ways you can remove stubborn stains from the tiles. Use a water softener to prevent the tiles from getting stains due to hard water. Frequent cleaning keeps tiles stain-free. Use vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or commercial cleaning agents to remove the stains.

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