Cutting Corrugated Plastic Roofing. Cutting corrugated plastic is a hard task with the wrong tools, but using a circular saw having a general-purpose makes it easy.
The sheet should stay intact with the cutting bench, otherwise, it’ll move and the plastic will be cut wrong. You can use a carbide-tipped blade.
I knew cutting plastic, especially corrugated plastic, was difficult as it could break. But I needed its sheets for my house. I wanted to have a shade in my backyard and wanted to make the shade with plastic as it’s money-saving.
But cutting corrugated plastic is tricky. The plastic breaks if not carefully cut. I asked someone from the hardware store about it and he told me the right tools and steps to cut it.
Read to learn!.
Cutting Corrugated Plastic Roofing
Cutting plastic while not damaging it is hard. You can cut plastic with a normal saw without holding it but the plastic will break. Using the right cutting methods requires knowing them. Most people don’t share plastic cutting knowledge. Plastic cutting has certain steps.
Start by placing the plastic sheet on a workbench and then get something like clamps to hold the sheet so it doesn’t move while you are cutting. If the sheet moves, then cutting will go wrong.
Mark the sheet with a marker so you know in which direction and angle the sheet needs cutting. Use a circular saw rather than a normal saw coz it’ll cut plastic smoothly. Be careful while holding the plastic sheet.
Required tools
- Circular saw
- Measuring tape
- Marker
- Working bench
- Clamps or holders
- Wide straight scale/Ruler
Decide on the length of the thing where you are using plastic sheets. Then measure the plastic sheets you already have. If it’s equal, just place it, but if it’s not, then use a measuring tape and check the points where the plastic sheets need cutting.
Use a marker to put dots or small lines of the length. Then join the length with a marker and to make the line straight with the marker, use a wide straight scale or a ruler.
Make the same marker line for the width. Don’t bend the lines and make the marker line exactly at the point. Remember, wrong measurements will cause wrong cutting. The wrong cutting will waste your sheet and money. Use the ruler after the sheet is placed on a flat surface.
Now the measurements are ready, place the plastic sheet on the workbench. Remember the point these marked to be cut should be at the edge of the workbench.
The length of the sheet matters here. If the length makes the sheet hang too much that it might break, then get someone to help to hold the plastic sheet.
Don’t let the sheet break just because you didn’t hold it. Now wear goggles or special glasses before cutting so the plastic particles don’t get in your eye while working. Get goggles for the person holding the plastic sheet too. Placement is complete.
Remember the circular saw in the requirements, get it. Now place the circular saw on the sheet and let it be at the exact cutting point. Use a general-purpose saw and its teeth should be carbide, so plastic remains safe with it.
You have to hold the saw card with your free hand and use your other to grip the saw. Now turn the saw on and start cutting along the marked line. You can let the guard be free as the machine has gone deeper because the guard won’t go down on the blade now.
Put your free hand on the plastic sheet placed on the workbench so the vibrations by the saw can be reduced. Don’t push the circular saw as it moves at its own pace. Cut carefully until the very edge and the other plastic part will be in the hand of your helper.
Ask the helper to let the cut plastic sheet fall if it’s of no use. If you plan to use this side as well, then don’t let the sheet fall. Put the sheet aside for later use and start cutting the width of the sheet if required.
The last word
Cutting corrugated plastic to use as a shade or roof is common. Cutting plastic sheets have 3 steps listed above. You just need the right cutting tools for the material.
Plastic sheets are for shelters too. If you are worried about damaging the sheets, get the already cut ones or get them cut at a professional workshop.
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