How To Use Mobile As CCTV Camera Without Internet

How To Use Mobile As CCTV Camera Without Internet. Using a phone as a CCTV camera is easy. Using the AtHome app solves it. Though without an internet phone as CCTV might seem difficult. It’s actually easy and smart. AtHome app is for video streaming through the phone, making it work as a camera.

Security in my area is a big issue. Burglaries are common. Because of recent theft in my area, I decided to install CCTV cameras but looking at the cost, I only sighed. My friend used a smartphone as CCTV I remembered. I copied his CCTV trick and wrote it here. He encouraged me. I wrote about CCTV and phones here.

Read to learn!.

How To Use Mobile As CCTV Camera Without InternetUse Mobile As CCTV Camera Without Internet

The old phone being used to secure footage and keep home safe is nice. Using the phone instead saves you the money of spending on new cameras. Just take any old smartphone and you can start. The old phone may have the old software but this doesn’t require many updates.

c There are apps with unsuitable versions but let’s discuss phone conversion right now. For this AtHome streaming application is required.

AtHome is required in old phones to stream and catches the video and it requires in another or your new phone to watch the footage and share data from the old camera phone. Install Athome on both phones. Then connect both phones through a hotspot without internet access and watch live video on the new phone from the old phone.

Starting HotspotStarting Hotspot

Start with turning the Hotspot on the phone as we need without internet access, so connect via hotspot. Go to the phone settings and look for connection and there you’ll see hotspot and tethering options.

Open it or directly turn on the hotspot. If it has security, check its password and the security of the hotspot should be WPAS2 rather than open. This is because you don’t want others to spy on your camera.

Set it yourself. Change the hotspot password and add underscores to it. Restart the hotspot and check it. Don’t forget to save settings before the hotspot starts.

Charge the old phone beforehand or connect the phone to a charger at the storing place beforehand. This saves everyday manual charging input. If not, just charge the old phone for first use and manually charge the phone every day. Though a power source is recommended for saving time.

Installing and setting

Here installing refers to the app well install while the setting is for video quality settings. Connect to Wi-Fi and download IP Webcams. It’s an app. Unlike other IP Webcams app works without internet access. Other cam apps require Wi-Fi or mobile data to stream on phones. Now open it.

Go to connection settings in the app. Then enter IP Webcam settings for adjusting. Set the orientation and quality of video and pictures. Set the format in which the video should be displayed. Select minimum resolution to 1920×1080. Though check if the old smart even supports it.

Getting IP

Click start server at the bottom of the home page. Access more settings from the home page by checking them. You can turn the screen off with Fade. This saves energy. You can use the flash off the camera as a light source.

Now look for an Ip address on the phone at the bottom where different numbers are listed. The IP will have a name before it. Select IPV4 in case more are listed. Just copy it or note the IPV4 down.

Now connect both phones with each other. You have already turned the hotspot on one phone. Now turn Wi-Fi on the other phone. Connect to the hotspot of the other phone through Wi-Fi and enter the password you set on the hotspot. The Wi-Fi phone will act as the receiver.

Streaming setting

Download the app that allows offline streaming. VLC is a good offline app. I recommend MX player as it also streams offline. A streaming app is required to watch the video when you are offline.

Open after downloading MX or VLC app. Go to the network streaming option in the media. You’ll see a network pop-up in front of you.

Setting IPSetting IP

In networks, you’ll see a URL option. Type HTTP:// and IP of the phone. Then /video, this comes after the IP address.

Now play the stream and watch it. You can record a phone camera stream through the settings of the app too. Security check.

The last word

The setting of old smartphones as CCTV saves money and effort in installing them. Though CCTV cameras will give better results, phone cameras shouldn’t be underestimated.

Use old smartphones that support the IP Webcams app as all devices aren’t acceptable. You can’t expect a better night view without infra lights but using phone light flash as the light source is acceptable.

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