Xbox One Sync Button Not Working. If the sync button isn’t working, using a micro-USB cable to pair the console and the Xbox One controller is a great idea.
You can plug the micro-USB cable into the console’s port and connect the controller. Pressing the Xbox button will automatically connect them together.
My one sync button on Xbox wasn’t working, and I didn’t know how to sync them so I could play. I called my gamer buddy and said syncing isn’t a problem.
He told me why the Xbox sync button wasn’t working and some fixes. He also told me an alternate to sync button for playing immediately.
Xbox One Sync Button Not Working
Having an Xbox syncing problem is annoying. The Xbox won’t be used if it’s not synced with the controller. You won’t be able to play without a controller.
My friend gave the alternative to use a micro-USB and connect it with the Xbox and the controller physically. Pressing the Xbox button on the controller syncs them together, and you can play.
But fixing the sync button is a better idea because you may want to late play with the Xbox, but because the sync button is not working, you’ll have to use the micro-USB all the time.
Though syncing isn’t a big problem, many people don’t like to have this problem. Let’s see the fixes.
Sync standing
Here sync standing refers to the status of the Xbox controller. Look for the controller’s status, and you’ll know if the controller is connected or not.
If the controller is connected to the console, you’ll see a white light that is on steady. The white light shows the connection. The opposite of steady white light is the blinking white light of the controller.
The blinking of white light means there isn’t a steady connection between the console and the controller. Restart the console to see the standing again.
The connection should be restored, but if the connection isn’t being stored, check the battery and see if it has enough power. Change the battery and try again. The Xbox and the controller should sync automatically.
Controller update
There can be an error during the connection, meaning that the Xbox sync button isn’t working. There can be bugs causing glitches in the Xbox and not allowing the device to sync. Updates of the controller can fix the bugs, so try updating the controller.
The steps of updating the controller are simple. The above micro-USB trick should be followed to connect the controller to the console.
You need the controller and console connection. Micro-USB is the only trick to control the console without syncing the controller wirelessly.
Use the controller and navigate to the settings of the console. In settings, go to the device and accessories option. You will see Xbox One Wireless Controller in the device and accessories option. Click the wireless controller option to go further.
Select the controller you are using at that time. You’ll see the update options, click the update and continue. The update will be complete soon.
Now re-sync the controller to the device, and you’ll see the controller will be paired to the console, and your syncing will be complete. Updating the controller may require the internet with the Xbox, don’t forget to connect to the internet.
Resetting the console
Sometimes updating the controller doesn’t solve the syncing issue, which makes the sync look impossible. But another trick to control the Xbox sync is to reset the Xbox and get all the settings to default.
Doing this to an Xbox almost renews the Xbox from the inside. The steps for testing all the Xbox models are the same. The power button on the console can be used to turn the console off. So press the power button on the Xbox and hold it until the Xbox completely shuts down.
After the Xbox has shut down, wait for a few seconds. Waiting for half a minute after the Xbox has been shut is enough.
Turn the Xbox back on as the console starts again after that time has passed. YOu should try syncing the controller and the Xbox again to see if the reset did the trick. The reset has probably done the trick.
The last word
If you have an Xbox and it’s showing sync issues, then you need to try to sync using a micro USB cable. Updating the controller and resetting the Xbox are the best tricks you need for syncing. Sometimes replacing the controller is necessary for syncing. Thanks for reading.
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