How to remove limescale from toilet below waterline. Sometimes it happens that there is limescale from the toilet below the waterline it happens because the water stands there for a long period of time which contains stains or a stain line in your toilet that stain line is also called limescale.
And that limescale usually occurs below the waterline due to the constantly wet pipe. Sometimes it also occurs above the waterline you can remove it from the general bathroom cleaner but sometimes you cannot get rid of it.
How to remove limescale from toilet below waterline
There are some easy and most useful ways through which you can easily get rid of that only you need to follow these ways to remove the limescale from the toilet below the waterline.
Coca cola method
Coca-cola is also very useful to remove the limescale from the toilet below the waterline first you have to pour it all around the bowl of that waterline.
It depends on you how much you want to pour in that water line there is not an exact quantity of coca-cola after pouring it you have to wait for a maximum of two to three hours to let it work properly.
You have to scrub it with bath scrub and then you have to turn on the flush to remove but if you still have that limescale you have to repeat that process only one time and you can easily get rid of it.
Sandpaper method
There is also the sandpaper method through which you can remove the limescale. To remove through the sandpapering process, we recommend using the vinegar process first by which you will get a clean and white toilet through sandpaper.
By using this process you have to wear the pairs of mittens which are used for cleaning the bathroom.
First, you have to pour the liter f vinegar into the waterline then you have to wait for several hours then you have to use the sandpaper to rub and buff the pitcher.
Then you have to flush that and you will get a neat and clean toilet and you will easily remove that limescale.
Acid method
Through the acid process, you can also easily solve your problem in a mint. In this process, you have to take out the little liquid from that container to get an equal level of water.
You have to fill that acid in that plughole and let it sit for a few hours it will be better t do this process at the night and leave that acid plughole set for all night.
After that, you have to use any soft bath brush and scrub it to remove that limescale then flush it and have your clean toilet without that limescale.
Vinegar Method
The vinegar method is very useful to remove the limescale easily and quickly. Because vinegar is consists of very acid materials and chemicals which help to remove any type of stains in a minute.
First, before using the vinegar you have to remove the water from that tank and you have to also turn off the water supply of the toilet from the back you have to remove the water from that by using the cup.
After that when you remove all the water from the tank, you have to fill the tank with vinegar and let it set for a maximum of ninety to ninety-five minutes.
Then do the process of scrubbing and turn on the water supply and flush the toilet you will easily remove that limescale easily and fast.
Descaling liquid process
Descaling the liquid process is a very easy process. First, you have to remove all the water from the tank then you have to pour any type of descaling liquid of your choice.
You have to pour it into the toilet then you have to wait for one to two hours then scrub it by using a scrubbing brush and then use a flush to remove it and you will get a clean toilet.
These are the easy methods through which you will remove your limescale from the toilet.
If your toilet has a thick layer of limescale, you can use these steps to get rid of it easily and fast these are the most common which are used to clean the toilet stains and limescale.
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