Changing Orifice From Natural Gas To Propane. Changing natural gas to propane requires changing the orifice present on the gas valve. Changing the orifice from natural gas to propane requires the orifice of the natural gas to be smaller than the orifice of the propane.
I was going to change my propane appliance to a gas appliance without considering the consequences. My friend visiting me stopped me from changing at the right time.
He told me that changing natural gas would be dangerous without changing the orifice. He told me how to change the orifice when converting the appliance source. I learned it.
Now read to learn!.
Changing Orifice From Natural Gas To Propane
Changing the orifice requires gas connections to be off. It was then detaching the gas pipes from the appliance. The natural gas burner needs to be removed.
Remove the small orifice from the gas by unscrewing it. Now get the propane orifice. Screw it on the burner and make sure it’s set. Now connect the Propane pipes and lines to the burner. Setting the burner by adjusting is a good start.
The orifice of the propane will be more prominent because of the gas pressure. Using the gas orifice will only make the size of the fire more minor than it’s supposed to be with a propane orifice.
The orifice of the propane line can be tested after being screwed and adjusted. The pressure difference in the orifice affects the fire size.
Shutting gas supply
The gas supply is connected to the appliance, and the appliance is receiving gas. So if you directly remove the appliance, the gas will spread in the place the appliance was, and gas flowing in the environment of your house is hazardous.
So the first step in dealing with gas supplies is to cut the gas supply by turning the gas supply off from the gas pump. The gas valve can be shut off, too. The best gas turning-off method is to turn the gas off from the appliance first and then from the gas source directly. Don’t forget.
Removing the lines
Removing the gas lines comes after shutting the gas off. Now in step, we remove the lines and gas burner.
The gas line is attached to the Orifice. The orifice may be attached and connected with the pipe with a holder and a screw. Just loosen the lines by unscrewing a little. Then pull the pipe off.
Now comes the removal of the gas burner. The gas burner can be removed easily. If there is a screw, remove the gas burner by unscrewing it. In case there isn’t any screw, there might be a nut or nothing.
Remove the gas burner and the lines carefully. The gas burner can be damaged with force. Move on after removing the lines and the burner.
Removing gas orifice
The orifice of gas has a giant hole than that of propane, which makes the pressure difference. The pressure produced by the gas orifice when used for propane will be shallow. The gas orifice will only make a small fire when used with propane because the pressure is low.
The hole is large, but propane needs more pressure, and the hole and pressure are inversely proportional here. The more significant the orifice hole, the lower the pressure, while it can be opposite too. Removing the orifice is easy. You need to unscrew the orifice and take it off.
Attaching propane orifice
Now attaching the propane orifice is our step. Just get a propane orifice from the shop. Now attach the propane orifice.
Attaching the propane orifice isn’t hard. Just put the propane orifice in the place of the natural gas or propane. When in place, screw the propane orfe and tighten it.
Attaching/turning on gas
Attaching the gas lines to the orifice and the burner back is our step. Put the propane burner and screw it. Now attach the gas line and tighten the gas.
Put a holder and screw the pipe so it won’t get loose. Turn the gas on and test the propane burner. Then test it.
Natural gas to propane conversion
The last word
Converting gas to propane is a good choice. However, the orifice will need changing in converting of propane. Propane will require small holes rather than large, like natural gas.
Just read and attach the new orifice like in the above steps. You don’t need professional changing for the orifice.
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