How to put a lawn mower tire back on the rim 2022

How to put a lawn mower tire back on the rim. If you are using a lawnmower to cut the grass on the lawn for more than two years then there is a chance that its tire is flat now. I am using a lawnmower for five years so I have an experience with all the troubleshooting related to it.

It is not difficult to work to do because you can do it by just using simple tools and techniques. Normally the tire of a lawnmower works well, but when it is too old or some nail pinch into it then all the air from the tire is escaped and it becomes flat.

In this article, I have discussed in detail how to detach a flat tire from the lawnmower, how to fit a new tube, and then how can put it back on the rim of the machine. You can also do it by following it step by step easily and saving money.

How to put a lawn mower tire back on the rim

put a lawn mower tire back on the rim

In the spring season, there is a lot of busy work on the lawn to cut the grass with the help of a lawnmower.

But if you observe that the machine is getting heavier and not working smoothly rather it is dragging on the grass, surely its tire is flat due to wear and tear or maybe due to pinching of the nail into its tube.

First of all switch off the engine because you know that you have to fix a new tube or maybe a new tire. Here is a step-by-step guide to all this procedure.

Switch off the engine

When you observe that the machine is dragging and not going smoothly then switch off the engine because it will take some time to inspect the lawnmower.

And if you check that the tire is flat surely you will need some time to repair or change the tire. So it is better to switch off the engine to cool down the machine and also save fuel.

Detach the tire from the lawnmower

Obviously, you know that the first thing to do is detach the damaged tire from the rim of the machine.

  • Firstly, pull out a plastic cap from the middle of the rim with the help of pliers.
  • You will see a c-clip behind the plastic cap, grab it and pull it out from the rim.
  • There is a washer under the c-clip, remove it also from the rim.
  • After removing all the above things, now you can easily draw out the rim along with the tire from the lawnmower.

Separate the tire from rim

The next step is to separate the tire from the rim, you can do it easily in this way.

  • Normally nowadays there are tubeless tires but if you have a tube tire then you will have to pare the tire from any side of the rim. For this, you can use a hammer and a screwdriver.
  • There is a nozzle inserted in the rim of every tube and tire. It is good to pull out this nozzle to move forward to remove the tire.
  • Now finally there is a high-tech step to disconnect the tire and rim. Put some screwdrivers into the various parts at the junction of the tire and rim.
  • Now drag the screwdriver upside, in this way the tire will start separating from the rim.
  • Keep this work to all the screwdrivers and remove the tire off the rim.

Inspect the tire to check nails or cracks

Inspect the tire to check nails or cracks

After pulling out the tire completely now inspect it deeply. If you found any nails inside it then remove them using a plier.

If you check that there are many cracks on it and the tire is too old then replace it with a new tire.

Refix the tire on the rim of the lawnmower

Now finally there is the last step to install the tire again to the rim. You can do it easily in this way.

  • As it is discussed above that nowadays there are tubeless tires in lawnmowers but if your tire has a tube then stuff it in the tire by making sure that the fill valve of the tube is properly inserted into its hole.
  • The next step is to insert the tire into the rim. You will need some screwdrivers for this.
  • Put some oil on the inner corners of the tire.
  • Now apply some pressure on any side of the tire and press to the tire to insert it into the rim.
  • Fill some air into the tire.

Fix the tire on the lawnmower

After installing the tire on the rim now it is easy to fix the tire on the lawnmower.

  • Install the tire on the axel of a lawnmower in the same way as you pulled it out before.
  • Fix the washer on the rim of the tire.
  • Refix the c clip in the rim with the help of pliers
  • Finally, put back the plastic boot on the rim of the tire
  • Start the engine again to inspect the tire.


How to put a lawn mower tire back on the rim. The end of the article is that don’t get frustrated when the tire of the lawnmower gets flat. You can change it easily by following the above trick easily.

You will need just some tools like screwdrivers, pliers, and some hand power to fix the flat tire.

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