Dryer getting hot but not drying. Dryers these days are very common and instantly solve the problems that were difficult to solve for us. The dryers are machines that are used to dry the clothes.

Sometimes when you ON the machine to dry the clothes, the dryers are ON also producing the heat but there is the problem that does not allow it to dry the clothes because there is the air fills in that does not allow the clothes to move speedily in the dryer if clothes not move with speed then there is the small chance to get dry.

The dryer does not dry the clothes so here are some points that are the reasons and below them, there is the solution to the problem are as follows:

Dryer getting hot but not drying

There are some behind the dryer that is hot but not drying the clothes are as follows:

  1. The clogged lint is trapped.
  2. There may be a fault in the thermostat of the dryer.
  3. Two zones faulty heating elements.
  4. The air vent is damaged or clogged.
  5. Overloading in the dryer.
  6. The clothes may be enough wet.

Fixing the problem

There are some solutions to the problems that are occurring in the way, that the dryer is not drying the clothes properly. So these solutions or fixes are as follows:

Release the vent that is blocked

Release the vent that is blocked due to which the hot air may not come out or sometimes come put in the small amount that is may not enough to dry the clothes.

When the hot air circulates in the dryer it escapes the air that is extra and that does not allow the dryer to pass them and circulate slowly, when these circulate slowly then it may not dry because if the air is clogged it not allows the clothes to get dry and it is the very big problem that a dryer is suffering from.

When the symptoms occur about this thing then you should see and completely check and take deep research on it and try to solve the problem as fast as you can because here if you don’t pay attention to the problem then in the future it’s the very great problem for you.

You should try to release the clogged vent that is very good for you to solve the problem as well as you can.

Make Sure clothes are not enough to wet

Another step is that make sure that the clothes you are going to put in the dryer are moderate means they are not enough wet, because most wet clothes also do not get dry because there must be some problem with them. You should put the clothes that are not too much wet.

The dryer dries the wet clothes but not as enough that is not possible. The wettest clothes may create problems and these are also not good for your dryer.

The wettest clothes can cold the air that blows and the clothes get dry, due to this reason the dryer is hot but not drying the clothes well as you want so please next time when you put the clothes in the dryer you should check that these are how much wet if they are moderate then put them to dry otherwise keep the in the air that these may come to the moderate condition that is good for both things.

Clear the fault of the thermostat

Here is another thing is that there may be a fault that does not allow the thermostat of the dryer to work. This thermostat is used to measure the temperature that is produced in the dryer to dry the cloth.

If the thermostat is not correct then you don’t measure the temperature and the low temperature does not allow the clothes to dry.

The dryer dries the cloth only when it is hot otherwise it is not able to work best as you want it. It is used as the temperature measurement of the dryer.

It can also be used to ON or OFF the hot air when it is enough or may less. It can take care and also maintain the temperature that is a very great thing in the dryer to dry the clothes.

Avoid the overloading or the stuffing

There are many reasons through which the dryer is not working properly but here is the solution that I am going to tell you is the avoid overloading.

The dryer may not dry the clothes due to too much stuff yon through in it for just a single time.

Instead of keeping more stuff in a small amount of time you can divide it into two small parts. In these small parts, the stuff is dry very easily and may take less time also.


Here above I discussed some points that are reasons also some others that are the solutions to the problems that are occurring in the “dryer getting hot but not drying”.

The dryer is the best thing that is in our daily use and its a best helper to us to complete the work as we want from it.

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