Canning green beans without pressure cooker. Not only the pressure cooker is the canning method. There are many other canning methods, and you can see things by following them.
These methods are maybe a bit more complex than the pressure cooker or the canner but not impossible, and you can do it if you want to can the things. Here I am going to tell you the canning method for the green beans.
Mostly we want to preserve food for later use, and we preserve it in a way that it can be used at the proper time and take care that this food does not get worse until your use, so canning is the best process for all for food preservation.
Canning is a very easy and straightforward way the preservation of the eating things.
Canning green beans without pressure cooker
The canning s not just happen with the pressure cooker; you can do it using many other techniques.
Here I will tell you the most simple and good method which you can use for the canning of the green beans, and I think that nothing is better than that technique. The procedure for the canning of the green beans is given below.
Step 1. Rinse beans with water
In the first step, you should rinse the beans using plenty of water when you take them from the market or if you grow them in your irrigation system.
The first thing for that is rinsing it with plenty of water and removing all the extra things which can become the cause of getting worse and make your thing terrible.
Remove all the dust, mud, soil, or other material they contain, and it may also not be good for your health if they are fertilizers or the other used for the incredible growth and irrigation system.
Step 2. Cut the beans
In this step, when you rinse the beans with the water, you should cut the beans and cut them in small pieces and which can easily adjust the large amount of them in the jar.
You do not cut them, but here you should cut them into the pieces as you can preserve them in the jar. You can cut or chop these beans according to your needs.
If you think placing them in the jar vertically, chop them just top or bottom; otherwise, the half-inch or inch is the best size, and you can quickly chop them in that size.
Step 3. Salt the jar where you put them
Salt is perfect for the canning of the green beans; before canning, you should salt the jar. Salt is optional. If you want, then put it; otherwise, without salt, nothing special happens.
If you want to put the salt, you should put the one tablespoon in the one jar, which is a quarter-sized, and if the jar is greater than the fixed size and amount gave, then put the salt at your own risk.
Step 4. Packing
Packing is simple, and you can pack them easily. There are two ways of packing, whether you want to pack them without boiling or by boiling.
The boiling procedure is to mix the beans in the boiling water and boil them up for 15 to 10 minutes, then put them in the bowl which can drain the water and only remain the green beans in it, which are now suitable to pack.
Another way is that just rinse the green beans in the water and drain them and pack them in the jar. Both are simple, and both are almost the same and useful.
You can also use vinegar in the packing as it is good protection that protects the beans from getting worse. Add some vinegar to the bottle jar, water, and salt. All when joined, they make a mixture that gives a good taste and tremendous flavor.
Now cover the jars by using silicon paper, which is best of all to protect the material from getting worse, as it does not allow any other material to get in that is harmful to the food you are carrying.
Step 5. Remove the extra material by cleaning
Cleaning can remove all the extra material which may be stuck with the lid of the jar. Take the clean cloth and clean the jar by using it.
This cleaning is necessary as it maybe gets in the jar and creates problems for your food which is in the jar. This cleaning can remove the jar’s dust, dirt, or extra things.
Step 6. Use boiling
This is almost the last step; in this step, you must put the jar in the boiling water for the last canning process. In this process, the green beans are canned properly; after this step, you can store them.
In this step, boil the water thoroughly, put the jars you are using for the canning process in that boiling water, and wait for the time you think is enough for boiling.
When your time for the boiling is complete, take the jars out and leave them as they get cold and are good for preservation.
This is another way used for the canning process; you can the green beans in that way if you do not have a pressure cooker, this is an effortless and straightforward way, and you can do it on your own without getting any help from the pressure cooker.
Canning is best for the preservation of food for a long time. This can preserve the food for a long time and prevent it from worsening.
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